Photos & Stories of 
Lava Rock Returned to Hawaii!
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* Here are the newest pictures of the rocks that where returned. 
 We started using a "penny" in each picture to give you an idea of the size of the rocks returned...

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This rock was given to my husband about five or so years ago.  We thought it was nice to be given Hawaiian Jade.  I did some research and found out there is no Hawaiian Jade.  We had terrible times with my daughter these last five years.  Deaths in the family & suicide attempted.  Mobs lost and emotional problems.  I am glad to finally get it returned after I learned what it really was & the folklore attached to it.  The man who gave it to my husband was not a true friend.  Thanks B.R., Marina, CA

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We are returning these lava rocks to you in hopes that our recent string of bad luck will again turn good.  The rocks were taken during our trip to the Kilauea Volcano.  We regret taking them and would tell any family or friends visiting you beautiful State the same.  Please accept our sincere apology for disturbing Pele.  Thank you. R & L W. Ocala, FL

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This rock was a beauty...and BIG... the top had impressions of fern in it from when lava ran over a hapuu fern forest...very interesting...T.D., West Islip, NY

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Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

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Enclosed are some rocks and black sand I brought home to show our children following our visit to Hawaii in September 1999.  This is my last hope at peace and happiness.  The last two years of our lives have been unbearable..  When things begin to look up for us, something crushes us back down tot he bottom.  I'm sorry for removing this sand and hope that its save return and my sincere apology will restore peace, harmony and success in our lives.  Thank you for your assistance in returning this sand.  K.W. & P.V., Pittsburgh, PA

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Dear Madame Pele: After seeing a story on the CBS Show "Sunday Morning", I knew I had to return a lava rock and black sand which was taken in 1977 while on a visit to the Big Island via a navy ship on a dependent's cruise.  I never in my wildest dreams ever associated so much bad luck with the lava rock and black sand.  I am unable to return the items in person.  Your ceremony sounds so lovely and is much nicer than being thrown in a pile behind the Visitor Center.  I hope you accept my sincere apology.  "Forgive me Madame Pele"  Thank you so much. Sincerely, J.P., Jacksonville, Florida

Please accept this black sand and our most humble apologies about taking it.  We were nto aware of this mistake.  Please bless us.
Thank you most graciously, 
D, H., C., &  H. H & K. G, Loveland, Ohia

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Please return the enclosed lava rock to Madam Pele.  It was taken from the roadside on the Big island.  The tour guide assured us that it was all right because it wasn't from the National Park or any known sacred place.  He also mentioned that the lava was used for making gravel, artworks and that some of the locals use it for tender in barbeque grills.  I haven't had any bad luck but having the rock makes me very nervous.  Thank You. R.B., Dallas, Texas

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 I first would like to apologize for taking the lava rocks in the first place.  It felt wrong from the beginning, but my husband really wanted to show the rocks to my nephew.  We meant no harm and had honorable intentions of teaching my nephew and giving him a souvenir of our trip to the volcano.  I believe that we have offended Pele and would appreciate you returning the rocks for us.  We cannot afford to come and do it ourselves or we would.  

We were in Hawaii about 5 years ago and our lives have become unbearable ever since our return.  Starting with losing our luggage with all gifts we purchased except for the rocks.  To marriage problems to death.  Our friends and family members have made comments about how we have a black cloud over us and how they have never seen two people with such bad luck.  I could go on and on about all the traumatic happening that have occurred in our lives since our return.  It has been one serious turmoil after another.  But our turmoil has been so I cannot talk of most of it.

I would like to turn this around and apologize to Pele for offending her.  I would have returned them sooner but I kept trying to fight the superstition nay saying it, but now that my husband has tried to commit suicide and cannot find our lives bearable anymore I have no choice but to admit to our mistake and beg the forgiveness of Pele.  My heart goes out to her and her people, but also to my husband who is in su much pain.

"I thro myself at your mercy, Pele and beg you to forgive me and my husband's foolishness, I have offended thee and for that I cannot take back, but please accept my gift of humiliation by standing before you and my god and admitting my sin.  My husband and I have suffered so and would like to offer your rocks back in hopes that you will have a merciful heart and let us out of the clutches of the evil that surrounds our life."

I thank you for returning these rocks for me and hope that you can forgive us for disrespecting your sacred place.  I appreciate your service and thank you for you open heart, this feel like a great big hug.  Sincerely, C.M. Woodbridge, VA

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Thank you 
S.&J. L., Gaithersburg, Maryland

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I am returning 2 lava rocks that I took from the Black Sand Beach while vacationing in Maui last summer.  I only became aware of the "bad luck" upon our return home.  Since then it's been nothing but bat luck for us.  But the deciding factor for me came in a dream  - I aw on my way to visit someone when I noticed in the distance a cloud of dark smoke filling the air and globs of soot falling on us.  Someone yelled to turn around and run. - When I did I took a quick glance back and I saw a Volcano erupting and red flowing lava quickly approaching us.  Thank God I woke up at that point.  Accept my apology.  M.F., North Smithfield, RI

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Please take these back to where they belong and beg Pele for forgiveness.  As soon as these rocks are on their way, we can look forward to better things.  G.D., Cape May, NJ

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Please return the enclosed lava rock to the island of Hawaii.  It was given to us as a gift in September of 2001.  We were unaware of the "curse" until a friend told us about it recently.  We have had teh WORST year of our lives since September and it just seems to get worse with every passing day.  I hope that returning the lava rock will help as nothing else seems to.  Each day I thing "It has to get better sometime", but then another disaster hits.  My mother brought us the rock after she had visited in September and did not know of the "curse".  She knew of my love and curiosity of volcanoes and thought it would be a neat gift.  Her heart was in the right place.  You help is very much appreciated.  If you can return the rock, I will let you know if things improve because I know from reading your website, that reassurance from others that the bad things will pass is what people are looking to find.  Again, thank you so much for your help!! J.&T., NC

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Please return these rocks to where they belong.  I do not know if these have contributed to my "bad luck" for the past few this point I will try anything.  Thank You!  No Name, Sausalito, CA

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Aloha Kakou - I had hoped for many years to visit Hawaii again in order to experience its beauty and more importantly to return the 6 special rocks that I took home with me on my visit there in 1993.  Unfortunately that dream of a return visit is no longer possible.  But you can imagine my exuberance when learning that you can offer me at least a part of my dream - to return my Hawaiian rocks to their rightful home with the reverence they deserve.  The 3 lava rocks came from the footpath leading out to the Mauna Ulu Lava Shield and the 3 oval pebbles are from the shore at Punalu'u Black Sand Beach.  I now leave it up to you to place them in their respective homes or another site, which you feel is appropriate.  Please return them with an offering of Ti leaves and/or orchids along with my regrets and request for forgiveness.  I hope that their return appeases Pele, plus any other Hawaiian spirits that I might have offended, and hope that she / they many one day see fit to forgive me for my careless, rude and disrespectful actions while visiting your wonderful islands.   PS: You have a very nice, friendly and informative website that conveys the spirit of Hawaii.  It made me long for another visit. Thank You - Mahalo Nui - Jeb, Burke, VA

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My husband and I were on a cruise of the Hawaiian Islands in March of 2000.  While on a bus tour of Kilauea Volcano at Hilo on the Big Island, the bus driver stopped to let us get off the bus to see the lava rock and the black sand.  He said we should pick up a sample to take back with us.  I had no idea we were not supposed to do this and that we would have all the bad luck we have had in the past year.  Everything has been going wrong.  Why would a bus driver tell us something when he must have known we were not supposed to take these?  I have been trying to find out how to send these back for the past year and finally found the webs site on the internet.  I am returning the lava rock and the black sand to be returned to its original place.  I am so glad to finally be able to get rid of these.  K.C., Nova Scotia, Canada

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 Los Angeles, CA

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I received a lava rock from a friend who recently returned from a trip to Hawaii.  The rock (which I thought was very interesting) was placed on my desk at work.  Unfortunately, things haven't been the same since being placed on my desk.
  What makes all of this very interesting is that I recently started to hear stories about the bad luck that follows when the lava rocks are removed from the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.  Furthermore, there was a recent story on CBS ( Sunday Morning) concerning the same stories I was hearing among my friends.  After seeing this on television everything fell in-place and I wanted to do the right thing.  Please return ASAP the lava rock that was wrongfully taken from the park.  I appreciate the fact that you rare willing to do this and that you have this information readily available on the internet.   Thank you.  No Name, Macon, GA

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Please return these rocks to their rightful place.  M.U. & S.F., Rockford, IL

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 My father planned a vacations to Hawaii in a cruise so my father, mother and my two  brothers and I went to hawaii when I was around ten years old. As kids we wanted to pick up rocks and keep them as memories so we went to numerous islands and pick up various rock for memories and returned home with them. About one year later my father went to prison for three years and came out in 1995 and we didn't know about the "bad luck rocks" and he went to prison again in 1998 for another three years. Meanwhile in 1992-1995 my mother was trying to keep eveything steady but couldn't so we lost the house my father had about ten cars and lost those too. We didn't have a steady place to live anymore. We were all having such bad luck that I got into three car accidents and also got into a motorcycle accident, my twin brother total his car and my younger brother also got into a car accident, now we only had to buy an inexpensive car that use to break down all the time and we had to share it. Everything was going wrong. Everything we tried to do to make things right and make things the way they used to be didn't work. So we struggle for ten years and one day I was watching the discovery channel and they mentioned something about people how took rocks from Hawaii and are having bad luck and they are returning them and there life changes and they said were can we find out how to return them. So I finally returned them and within a month of returning them everything changed. I got a good job making good money bought a new car, My twin brother move on his own and has twins girls and has a new car has a great job, and my younger brother also has one baby boy and is doing very well and also has a new car. My father is also doing well his stable and has a new car and is enjoying life once again.
O.O., Flushing, NY

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My friend and I visited the Punalu'u Black Sand Beach about a bit over a year ago.  He collected two pouches of black sand and later mailed one to me.  Please return this sand to the Punalu'u Beach and convey my sincerest apologies to Pele.  I am not a superstitious person; however, this past year has been plagued with misfortune.  Thank you in advance for your help!  CM, Ft. Collins, Colorado

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Thank you very much for returning this lava rock! CC, Los Angeles, CA

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I was visiting you beautiful island of Maui in November.  I thought I wanted to take something natural back with me.  So it was lava rock, finding out afterwards that is was a No No.  I am returning it to you now with the hope it will be properly placed back in your National Park.  Thank You. S.M.K., Orleans, Ontario, Canada

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Thank you so much for this most blessed procedure!  I have had these stones since 1990 and my life has changed dramatically for the worse.  God bless your efforts.
Christine B., St. Louis, MO

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Please find the enclosed sand and rocks that we are returning to you.  I am hoping you can return them to this rightful place.  Since returning from Maui we have endured terrible tragedy.  The loss of a dear family member, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 broken front teeth, a broken wrist, hip and collar bone.  Financial burdens have also hit and now we are dealing with pre-term labor with other pregnancy complications.  All of this is more than our family can bear so I am hoping that returning these items to this proper place will relieve some of these awful things our family has been through.  Please see they get to the proper place.  Thank You. V.M., Santa Ana, CA

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Please return this lava rock to the Big Island of Hawaii, the lane of its origin.  It has been a well cared for rock, but it is time to send it home.  Thank you for your assistance.  M.E., Los Angeles, CA

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My name is D.L. and I am 45 years old an live in Arvada, Colorado.  In March of 2000 my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Oahu, and Maui.  We had a wonderful time, and hope to come back some day.  While we were in Maui, we traveled to the volcano crater.  I thought it would be fun to take home a volcanic rock to remember our time there.  I was recently watching the travel channel on cable, and saw a segment on the Goddess who put a spell on anyone who takes a rock from any of the volcano's.  Since the time I took the rock I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July of 2001.  I have had three surgeries and six rounds of chemo.  I was rear ended in my car on the way to work one morning, and we had to put our cat to sleep on January 3, 2002.  I hope by returning this rock with my sincerest apologies will bring some good luck to my life again.  Thank you for taking the time to put this rock back to where it really belongs.  D.L. Arvada, Colorado


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In 1980 - yes, almost 22 years ago - 2 friends and I went to Hawaii on vacation.  I brought back the enclosed pieces of lava as souvenirs for family members that I thought would never visit Hawaii or see actual lava.  We were on a tour and spent time in Oahu, Kauai, Maui, Kona and Hilo.  I am not sure where the lava came from, but if I remember correctly, it came from the Big Island.  (Coincidentally, I no longer speak to 1 of my travel companions due to a personal disagreement.  Interestingly enough, she fell and scrapped her limbs while taking some black sand home back then, and not long ago she had breast cancer.  Hmmmm?)  
Recently my family has been cleaning out the home of my brother, who committed suicide.  He had manic-depression for years.  My sister, however, found the lava there and asked that I return it to Hawaii, as she was aware of the bad luck.  (Here too, there may be no connection, but I will respect her wishes.)  Please ask Pele for her forgiveness for me.  Mahalo, AW from Lombard, IL

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My husband went to Hawaii on a business trip...He took some sand and brought it home for a souvenir.  A friend of my husband warned him not to take the sand home.  He did not listen to him thinking he's bringing home white sand not lava rock or black sand for that matter.  But since my husband brought the white sand home, we've having difficulties and problems.  Please accept our sincere apology, Sincerely, Sonia & Edwin

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I am returning these to Hawaii.  We took them from Maui in Sept '95 not knowing we shouldn't .  Thank You.  T.F., Plainfield , IL

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While visiting the Black Sand Beach in Maui last March, we collected the enclosed lava rocks and sand.  We thought that they would make a unique souvenir.  the four of us have since had more unfortunate incidents bestowed upon us than we care to think about.  We have suffered through job losses  failed real estate deals which resulted in economic hardship.  There have been injuries requiring stitches, unexplained medical ailments, minor car accidents and the list of bad luck goes on.  We meant no ill intent when we took these, and are hoping that returning them will reverse this misfortune.  Others laugh at our concern over these rocks and blame it on coincidence but they are not dealing with these matters.  Please see that these are returned to their rightful place and forgive us our trespass.  PLEASE!!! Now that we have weathered the rain, we are looking forward to our rainbow.  Sincerely, R.P. & C.P. in IA, S.A. & W.A. in AZ

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C.B., St. Louis, MO

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Sandwich Island

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R.R., Great Barrington, MA
* This is the smallest lava rock we ever got back to date!

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Dallas, Texas

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New York, New York

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A little over a year ago I visited your island.  I had heard the myth about removing lava from the island but not being superstitions went ahead and did so.  Almost immediately, we began having terrible luck - including being robbed just hours after leaving the Volcano House (where we took the lava from).  Since the, it has been bad luck - most recently, my husband being laid off from a size figure paying job.  I would like to return this to you in the hopes of turning our luck around.  Superstitious or not I would like to give it a try.  Hoping that it helps,  C.P. and Family, Kansas City, MO

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Lava Rock that I had taken from the Volcano on Sunday, March 3rd, 2002.  I am not sure what these rocks are but I took them from a beach on the Big Island on Friday March 1, 2002.  Black sand that I took from the Black Sand Beach on Sunday March 3rd, 2002.
I ask for your help.  I would greatly appreciate it if you could return the lava rocks and black sand that I took from Pele 2 days ago.  I didn't realize my ignorance until I returned back to Oahu.  I deeply regret taking what could never belong to me.  Please help me return what belongs to Pele.  I am so sorry.  Words can't express how terrible I feel.  I've heard about the "bad luck" and I wish to not experience it.  Again, please help, because I am unable to return to the Big Island.  Than, you, Chrissy, Queens, NY.

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Thank you for your service.
J., L.A, California

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Enclosed are 4 lava rocks we picked up in 1976.  We did not know that they brought bad luck.  We are very happy and relieve to return them back to where they belong.  Please return the rocks to Pele, the Hawaiian Fire Goddess and Creator of Lava.  We deeply regret taking them and thank you for carefully returning them.  We appreciate your help - Thanks again!  Sincerely, S&G, Minneapolis, MN

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M.S., Milwaukee, WI

This lava rock taken from the "Black Sand Beach" area in Hawaii during a vacation to the Islands in May/June of 1972.  We did not realize at that time it was scared to Pele.  Please return it to it's rightful place.  Thank you.
CM, Ohio

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Aloha from Texas!  My husband and I visited Hawaii on our honeymoon in June of 2000 and we both have had the worst luck since that time.  It was only after I realized that the taking of the black sand or lava rocks would cause bad luck, that I realized that perhaps this is why we have been going through turmoil in our lives.  Our marriage has not been well, my husband's health has been poor and I have had difficulties with my career as a legal secretary and we have been unable to have a child.
In that regards, I am returning the black sand and lava rock that were taken from the black sand beaches.  I deeply regret having taken the black sand and lava rock and offer my deepest apologies to the Lava Goddess and would ask that she please grant us mercy and forgiveness in our disrespecting the history behind the lava and black sand.  
I thank you for posting your web site.  I hope that by returning the black sand and lava rock, we will be granted mercy by the Lava God and only blessings and peace shall come our way, with good fortune in in the hopes of having a peaceful and blessed marriage and perhaps children.................................  J.J, Houston, Texas

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Recently a good friend from work visited your beautiful island.  I had requested he bring me back a piece of lava as a gift  I did not realize that this was a possible insult to Pele.  I am not a particularly superstitious person, but I do believe that legends are created from what is in people's hearts.  For a legend to be this strong it would seem that a lot of people wish to keep Hawaii's treasures where they belong.  It is not my intent to go against their beliefs.  I have not personally suffered any bad luck, nor has the person who brought the lava rock to me.  We are just returning it because it seems to be the right thing to do!  It is very kind of you to ease people's minds in this manner.  Thank you very much for your assistance with this task!  Sincerely, C.W., B.G., Baltimore, MD

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We went to Hawaii March 2001.  We heard the stories about taking the lava rock from the Volcano so we didn't.  We picked up this rock on the beach in Lahaina in June 2001.  Our daughter was in a terrible accident.  She was crushed between two boats and was near death.  She has a traumatic brain injury and is in a coma and has been since the accident.  She was in the hospital for two months and is now in a nursing home.  She is a beautiful 19 year old wonderful person and we miss her very much.  I was sitting with her watching a TV program about the superstitions of the Volcano.  The people told of their bad luck after taking the lava rock and how their luck changed after sending it back.  It occurred to me that maybe we should send this rock back and maybe our daughter would wake up.  That our miracle would happen.  So we are sending it back.  Hopefully, R.&L. N., Mecosta, MI
*** If you read this...please say a special prayer for their daughters recovery....

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In September 1989 my mother, sister and I took a wonderful trip to Hawaii.  We had a great time and enjoyed the beauty of the Islands.  I had the bad judgment to take several small pieces of lava from one of the parks.  We live near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park ( the most visited National Park in the country) and I am ashamed that I did not hold myself to the same standards we expect to Park visitors here.  Thank you for your help in rectifying this long overdue return.  I am sincerely sorry and hope your lovely ceremony will appease Madame Pele and nay others who have been offended or hurt by my thoughtless action.  With many thanks, SRP in Tennessee.

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I visited Hawaii (Oahu) a year ago, with my mother, to see my brother and his family.  He was in the Army and stationed there for three years.  One evening I was on Waikiki Beach with my nieces and this rock got washed up on the shore.  My niece picked it up and gave it to me as a present.  I wanted to keep it because she gave it to me and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.  
The night we left Hawaii all flights were canceled to the "mainland" except my mother's and mine.  I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to take any rocks from the island.  Ever since then my bad luck began...
Three car wrecks, grandmother died, uncle died, my father had a medium-sized brain tumor removed, got fired from my job, lost my financial aid for college, my apartment caught on fire and destroyed only "everything" in my bedroom, financial burdens, found out my boyfriend cheated on me wit my co-worker, a car tried to run me off the road one night and I had to call 911 to help me, medical problems, and I could go on.....
PLEASE!! Please return this rock safely.  I didn't mean to upset  Pele.  I would send a donation but since my apartment burned a year ago to the day I took this rock, I have no insurance and the financial burden is heavy.  Please return this rock, it would mean the world to me.  Thank you & much Love, A.K.D.M., Louisville, KY

To TV Production Companies, Magazine Editors, etc.:
Very Frequently we receive inquires from TV Production companies and Magazine Editors from all over the world wanting to produce a documentary or  story about the lava rock return and requesting information from us including copies of letters and contact information of people that have send lava rocks back to us.. 

We appreciate anyone's interest regarding this matter, however, it is our policy to not participate in any commercial TV production projects and /or magazine articles about Lava Rock Return and the commercialization of such. 

The return of the lava rocks is a confidential personal service handled by volunteers to give people that can not return the lava rocks in person to Hawaii an option for still doing so, and giving them at the same time the piece of mind of haven taken care of this in an attempt to reverse the believed negative impact of having taken rocks from Hawaii from their mind. 
Additionally, we keep all contact information regarding people that returned lava rocks and their identity confidential, and any stories sent to us are posted as time is available at are copyrighted.  We do not give permission for reprints for commercial or any other purpose, nor authorize the use of our company name in any way for any purpose at any time.     

This is a private confidential service handled by volunteers and we do not talk to media at any time, nor do we give information or interviews of any kind at any time to anyone, no exception.


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last edited:  February 06, 2023 - Copyright 2023, Volcano Gallery,  Div. of Rainbow Moon / Islandsource